Aether Box Solitary, Large, Magical, Stealthy, Cautious, Amorphous Phase Phaser (d12 damage) 23 HP 8 armor Ignores Armor, Far You may think, "Wow! What an intriguing box!" But, beware, adventurer, this is no ordinary cube. The Aether Box is a complex being that may or may not actually exist within the confines of our dimension. One moment you may see it, the next, it is gone. Instinct: To confuse
- Phases in and out of dimensions
- Dimensional Phaser
- Dimensional Shield
Blossom Possum Group, Tiny, Magical, Devious, Organized, Cautious, Terrifying Vine Whips (d6 damage 3 piercing) 10 HP 4 armor Hand Special Qualities: Covered in vines and flowers The Blossom Possum is a rodent-like creature who lives in dark forests and is covered in vines, flowers, and other plant life. Beware, it can whip you with one of it's many vines, or put you to sleep with its noxious pollen. Instinct: To overgrow
- Viny Whips
- Noxious Pollen
Needle Eagle Solitary, Cautious Spiny Needles (b[2d10+2] damage) 12 HP 4 armor Far A horrible flying eagle covered in spiny needles. When provoked, the Needle Eagle will fire hundreds of needles at its enemy. The needles are barbed and some may contain a small dose of poison. Instinct: To prick
- Launches spiny needles at it's enemies.