Most Recent Creation
Skraw Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Intelligent, Hoarder, Planar Mental shriek (d12 damage) 12 HP 4 armor Close, Reach, Ignores Armor, Far Foul fetid birdlike abominations, the Skraw hail from a distant world in another universe. They seek to devour the essence of this world, commanding armies of slave-thralls in order to do so. They claim to be the true lords of the shard. Instinct: to control and consume
- Dominate Mind
- Binding charm
- Consume essence
- Visions from the Shard
Most Recent Up-vote
The Thing in the Well Solitary, Large, Stealthy Dark Tentacles (w[2d12] damage) 16 HP 1 armor Reach, Near "Good morning," the Thing in the Well calls, "And how are we doing this morning Mrs. Westmen?" -- "Just wonderfully. How have you been keeping, Thing?" -- "Fine, fine. A little peckish, a bit in the mood for, you know, a nibble, a bite to eat. But don't worry yourself, perfectly fine." -- "It's quite alright Thing, I was just thinking I should bring by some lunch. How does a ham sound?" -- "You are too kind Mrs. Westmen, just too kind..." -- The Thing in the Well has lived in the village for longer than anyone can remember. It is traditional to fix regular meals for the Thing, and to present it with a sheep or pig on special occasions. Years ago a boy went down the well on a dare. He never returned. The subject has not been broached in the presence of the Thing. Instinct: To devour
- Politely collect tribute
- Leverage townspeople through secrets
- Purify water
- Hide in darkened waters