Stormrake Group, Small, Stealthy, Planar Stormslash (d8+2 damage 4 piercing) 10 HP 1 armor Close, Near, Far Scavengers left in the wake of the storm, these panther-like beasts show traits of crustaceans and insects but appear to be made of solid stormclouds. These agile beasts are able to leap short distances as bolts of dark energy. Left behind by greater nightmares, Stormrakes have turned to scavenging, picking off stragglers to devour their flesh and fear. Travelling alone or in packs, Stormrakes are most usually found after or during storms, but some stay around afterwards and lay claim to territory, upsetting the natural ecosystem and even infecting local wildlife with nightmarish energy from the storm. Instinct: To abduct and scavenge
- Strike from shadows
- Leap short distances as a bolt of dark energy
- Retreat to or bolster from the storm
Gnatters Group, Small, Stealthy, Devious, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder Drain (d4 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 1 armor Close Special Qualities: Wings Spindly, grey little insectoids, they stand on half a dozen thin legs, chest high to a human. Their wings, antennae and segmented eyes twitch and flick, a soft buzzing noise rising to a deafening drone when several take flight. Gnatters rub their large eyes with their thin hands and appear quite fragile when sitting still - but their reaction speed is second-to-none, escaping (or attacking) in a buzzing blur, repositioning or circling for another strike before their foes know what happened. Always an annoyance, gnatters become deadly when several work in unison, such as when their herds of Swampstriders are disturbed. Even if you survive their hit-and-run blood-draining, the cocktail of diseases they'll leave you with afterwards will see you face down in the mud before sun up. Instinct: Gorge on warm blood
- Strike and retreat on a blur of wings
- Dodge with incredible speed
- Inflict fast-acting diseases
- Call up swarms of mosquitoes
Swampstrider Group, Large, Stealthy, Organized Piercing limbs (d8+2 damage 2 piercing) 14 HP 1 armor Reach, Near Special Qualities: Wings, Mudwalking Towering, gangly creatures, serene like cattle, pick their way through the swamp on sharp spindly legs supporting a body that shrivels and bloats with blood consumption. They almost appear as leafless trees, their spear-like forelimbs hovering about the mud for minutes on end before striking at lightning speed, piercing fish, lizards and anything else they can find, before sucking them dry with the proboscis on their bodies and legs. When attacked or startled, they buzz into the air and swoop back, striking with many impaling legs. Their prey here is nearly fished out, so they migrate to find new grazing grounds. Instinct: To graze on blood
- Pierce them through
- Drive them into the muck
- Summon the herd
Rocktoad Group, Small, Stealthy, Devious Barbed tongue (d6 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 3 armor Close, Reach, Near Special Qualities: Amphibious, Powerful Legs, Camouflage, Sticky Hands, Sticky Feet, Sticky Tongue Hidden amongst the river rocks, their thick pebbly hide strong as bone, Rocktoads lash out with their long tongues, sticky and barbed, disarming prey or dragging them into the depths and holding them down until their struggling ceases. Rocktoads are slow-moving when they shuffle-walk along the banks and usually don't stray far from the water. They generally move in leaping bursts, days of still silence followed by a flurry of lashing tongues, splashing water and the crunch of bones as their prey is drowned and devoured, and they settle back in to wait for another foolish intruder. Instinct: Protect its territory
- Lash out suddenly
- Use the water to deadly advantage
- Wrench someone or something in from afar