Skraw Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Intelligent, Hoarder, Planar Mental shriek (d12 damage) 12 HP 4 armor Close, Reach, Ignores Armor, Far Foul fetid birdlike abominations, the Skraw hail from a distant world in another universe. They seek to devour the essence of this world, commanding armies of slave-thralls in order to do so. They claim to be the true lords of the shard. Instinct: to control and consume
- Dominate Mind
- Binding charm
- Consume essence
- Visions from the Shard
Unhold-Zauberer Horde, Small, Magical, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder, Stealthy Unholdfeuer (b[2d6] damage) 10 HP 1 armor Near, Far Special Qualities: Tollwut-Gift, Nachtsicht, Anführer 1 Totem: Verstärkt anwesende Unholde: +2 HP, Raserei:+1 Schaden Instinct: Gehorche den Hexen
- Führe Unholde an
- Wirke Tollwut-Fluch
- Krieger herbeirufen
- Totem beschwören
Unhold-Krieger Horde, Small, Stealthy, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder Klauen (d6 damage) 5 HP 1 armor Close Special Qualities: Tollwut-Gift, Nachtsicht Instinct: Gehorche den Hexen
- Plündern und Rauben
- Aus dem Hinterhalt angreifen
- Andere Krieger herbeirufen
Bog Minstrel Solitary, Stealthy, Magical, Devious, Intelligent Tendrils of bog water (w[2d10] damage) 12 HP 0 armor Close, Reach, Near If you ever had to make camp in the midst of a swampy, soggy bog, you know about the problems that come with it. It's hard to find dry ground, and once you found it, you will have to steel your will against what will come in the darkness of night. Creatures of the fae realm, that roam the bog, playing the most beautiful tune you've ever heard. The melody flowing over the boggy water making you imagine a dry path to the bonfire not to far away. And when you follow it, you'll step right into the water, losing your footing. But they wont let you drown, as tendrils of water follow the tune and save you, guiding your way to their fire, where they are waiting, playing the horn flute. This is where the real danger lies. Once you're at their fire, they will share their food and drink with you, and sooner or later, you will be happy to talk to them about all those great adventures you've been on. They will ask and let you feel special, but it is soon, all those stories will be theirs, and you will have nothing left of your past. An empty hull, ridden of all its stories, waiting for their death by the swamp. https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ae/34/d2/ae34d2ce61bad120f6d1c90c341c937f.jpg Instinct: to collect stories by stealing memories
- Play an alluring tune at night
- Create an Illusion of dry land
- Manipulate the bog to its will
- Steal a story told voluntarily
Corpse Gatherer Group, Huge, Magical, Divine, Intelligent, Terrifying, Amorphous Slamming, pounding and grabbing (d8+5 damage) 30 HP 5 armor Reach, Forceful, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Soul binding, It is made from animated grave earth and corpses The corpse gatherer arose from the burial of a sentient undead creature in unsanctified ground near many other corpses... They feast upon dead flesh but are more than willing to create fresh corpses... They are. It evil in and of themselves, but they may contain the souls of evil creatures trapped for as long as the gatherer remains formed... Instinct: Gather (or create) corpses
- Spawn zombies
- Smash things
- Engulf grabbed enemies
The Jackal Men Horde, Organized, Hoarder Scimitars, nets, bolos, clubs, claws, and teeth. (b[2d6+2] damage) 3 HP 1 armor Close The Jackal Men are upright standing, humanoid descendants of the plains and desert jackal. The Jackal Men wear clothes and mixed armors stolen from the corpses of their victims, and they are always in pursuit of the next new and shiny technology that they themselves cannot create. The Jackal Men are incapable of speech but do communicate through a guttural mix of yips, howls, and barks. The Jackal Men operate in small raiding packs and even larger war parties sometimes reported to be in the hundreds. This horde group are also known to net and ensnare their foes to be kidnapped and brought elsewhere for purposes unknown. Instinct: To plunder technologies beyond them. To feast upon the flesh of their enemies
- Encirclement of Terror
- Rallying Howl
- Net and ensnare
- Desert drag
Guardia cittadina Gruppo, Organizzato, Intelligente, Cauto Lancia (d8 damage) 6 HP 3 armor Close, Reach Guardia dell'asta.. scommetto che servirà.. Instinct: Corruzione
- Colpo di scudo
- Chiamare gli sbirri
Spellsword Group, Magical, Organised, Intelligent Longsword (b[2d8] Damage 1 Piercing) 8 HP 4 Armor Close A warrior wizard. Instinct: To learn of magic and swords
- Cast a battle spell or activate an enchantment
- Use a tactical maneuver
- Command swords as extensions of himself
- Create Mirages of himself
Necromancer Solitary, Magical, Devious, Organised, Hoarder Grasp Soul (b[2d6]) 16 HP 4 Armor Far A dread necromancer performing vile acts to living creatures. Instinct: To discover the secrets of death
- Corruption of flesh
- Summon undead
- Block Magical Healing