Wumpus Solitary, Large, Stealthy, Terrifying Huge maw (d10+2 damage) 16 HP 1 armor Reach, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Nauseating stench, quite smelly The wumpus likes to hide in close environments, like dungeon mazes or dense forests. It's very introverted, and really it just wants to be left alone. Unfortunately for those who happen upon the wumpus, it has learned that the fastest way to be alone again is to eat whoever found it, which it does with shocking efficiency and even glee. It has also developed a stench that is at once distinctive and nauseating. Sadly, the hunting a wumpus is considered a right of passage in some cultures. Instinct: to be left alone.
- Swallow whole.
- Hide abruptly.
- Nauseate with a stinky cloud.