The Boar What Roots at the Pillars of the World Solitary, Huge, Terrifying Tusks & hooves (d10+7 damage 2 piercing) 28 HP 2 armor Reach, Forceful Special Qualities: Horrific squeals, Hide covered in scars & the weapons of its defeated enemies "Orcs up north worship it as a god. Keep it in a stupor, fed on garbage, captives & barrels of stolen dwarven ale. Until they're threatened. Or need to threaten. Then their shaman blows this twisted horn made from a piece of one of the smaller of its half-dozen tusks, and the thing barrels towards whatever they point it at. If that's you, aim for the eyes, I guess. Or just hope it chews you quickly." Instinct: To over-run & devour
- Trample smaller beings, friend or foe
- Eat, eat, eat
- Destory what he bearer of the Tusk Horn hates