Subway Mole Group, Small, Terrifying claws (b[2d8+2] damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 1 armor Close, Near Special Qualities: Leathery and naked with vestigial pink eyes and hideous protruding teeth. A thigh high mole with useless pink eyes and hideous protruding teeth. Instinct: Eat big bugs. Blindly attack anything that sounds like it might be a bug.
- Burrows around abandoned light rail stations.
Leviathan Salamander Solitary, Huge Bite (w[2d10+3] damage) 20 HP 4 armor Reach, Ignores Armor, Near Special Qualities: Can self-sever its tail, squeeze into tight places. A gargantuan frilled salamander, a muddy red color with glowing neon red eyes. Instinct: Protect it's home, and provide ideal conditions for the growth of its food source.
- Leaves a trail of slime that bioluminesces and superheat on command
- Incapacitate and remove any troublemakers