Most Recent Creation
Strenght Angel Group, Magical, Divine, Devious, Intelligent, Planar Claws of Force (b[2d8+6] damage 1 piercing) 12 HP 4 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: Inmune to phisical restrictions A Strenght Angel is one of the most fearce creations in Celestia. It's also a very common summon from mortals: they represent strenght of every kind. It could be physical, but it can also be spiritual strenght or courage as a form of strenght. An Angel of Strenght can possess a host and make him a bigger threat, but it can also take strenght from the enemies. Instinct: direct the actions of the living
- Transfer strenghts, phisical or any other kind
- Possess an ally and grant them great strenght
Most Recent Up-vote
Cemetery Angel Solitary, Magical, Divine, Intelligent, Planar Stone Sword (w[2d10] damage) 18 HP 4 armor Close Special Qualities: Confined to cemetery A cemetery angel is a statue made of stone that decorates a graveyard. These statues depict an angelic woman holding a stone long sword in its grasp. The statue itself is possessed by a spirit and stands guard as a sentinel defending the cemetery from grave robbers, and those disrespectful to the dead within the cemetery in general. Instinct: to persecute
- Only targets cemetery offenders.
- Life Draining Ray
- Can advance to a target's position in an instant