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Fabeht (Giant Centepede) Group Gnashing Maw (d10+2 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 4 armor Close The Fabeht, it's like a centipede, you know those little things that squirm away when you turn over a rock? Yeah that, but six feet long. Stories of its gnashing mandibles are told by every traveler down the dark mountain passes. But it's ok, it's not like it's in my house... right? Instinct: To devour Instinct: To Feed
- Scuttle: Squirm and wriggle out of percived danger.
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Stygian Harpy Solitary, Magical, Intelligent, Hoarder, Terrifying Wicked Tallons (d10+2 damage) 12 HP 1 armor Close Special Qualities: Flight, The warty head of the Stygian Harpy resembles that of a deformed vulture. Its twisted, malformed body bares the scars of decades worth of hunts.. This hideous creature appears to be a hybrid of humanoid and vulture, its wingspan stretching twenty feet. Its hands and feet are both capped with gnarled claws which it uses to slash and tear at its prey. Though the Harpy is significantly intelligent, it is not know to talk in any commonly understood languages though it my mimic sounds, such as screams, to lure in prey. In combat, a stygian harpy usually opens with its song, which distracts and debilitates them with its melancholy tones. The crueler members of this species delight in targeting the weak and defenseless, flying over the front rank to snatch a mage or healer in its claws and carry them off. (based on a monster by thecreaturecodex on tumblr) Instinct: To Hunt
- Bait and Switch: The Stygian Harpy steals and object of value and uses it to lure its prey to a preferred location.
- Mesmerising Song: From its ugly beak, the Stygian Harpy sings a mellody of heartstopping beauty. This song will entrance any creatures of doglike intelligence or greater, rendering them unable to move or think clearly.