Daelkyr Solitary, Magical, Devious, Planar, Terrifying, Amorphous Special Qualities: Aura of madness, symbiont mastery, alien mind The old Gatekeeper druids tell stories about the daelkyr, you know. Tales of the battles before they were locked up in Khyber thousands of years ago. Really more like nightmares written down. Can make a man mad just by lookin' at him. What's worse is that they look just like you or me, except for the armor. Like they're wearing petrified flesh, they say. They also say that they can twist flesh just like clay, y'know? But they're just stories...right? Instinct: To corrupt
- Warp flesh
- Corrupt with a touch
- Manipulate through madness
Carcass Crab Solitary, Huge, Hoarder, Terrifying Claws (d10+7 damage 1 piercing) 24 HP 5 armor Reach, Forceful, Near Special Qualities: Natural adhesive, spiny defense, corpse armor The carcass crab, or _brachyura morticinum_ in Draconic, is commonly found in the Mournland. Though essentially a very large crustacean, it augments its natural armor by adhering the remains of battle-bits of armor, weapons, and corpses-to its hard shell. This provides both armor and camouflage in its hunting grounds of the wasted battlefields that are all too common in the Mournland. Instinct: To add to its defenses
- Crush something in its claws
- Shoot poisonous barbs
- Attach something to its shell