Spirit of the Forest Solitary, Small, Magical, Amorphous Magical Shards (w[2d10] damage) 19 HP 3 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Far The spirit of the forest can be found in many shape or form, but its neutral appearance is a softly glowing sphere with a bright light coming from its very center. Anything damaged by an unnatural cause will make the spirit try to restore or heal it back to its original state. Rarely, as a last resort action, it will engage greater threads to the forest in combat with its magical powers. Instinct: to restore Instinct: to restore Instinct: to restore
- Restore nature
- Heal an animal
Beholder Solitary, Large, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Planar, Terrifying Magical Eyestalks (d10+10 damage) 20 HP 4 armor Reach, Ignores Armor, Far Special Qualities: Viciously gazing eyes, Large sharp toothed mouth, Floating The beholder is a giant floating orb of flesh with a large mouth, a single centered eye on the front and eyestalks on top of its body. Every eyestalk has its own magical properties. They are driven by pure hatred, especially towards anything unfamiliar. From dispelling magic, to controlling other creatures, simply killing them with magical rays of death or just crushing them into the ground, Beholders should never be fought head on, as they are one of the most fearsome creature known to existence and even the most well known adventurers throughout the lands would not engage them in combat. Instinct: to destory
- Charm and control creatures
- Dispell magic
- Shoot magical rays of death
- Magically move objects
- Terrify others inflicting fear
Siren Group, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent claws (d4+1 damage) 9 HP 0 armor Close Sirens are beautiful, but dangerous creatures, who try to lure in sailors and males in general with their enchanting songs and seductive appearance. They work in smaller groups up to five sirens. Once fooled by them, it becomes very hard of making it out alive again. They will either just follow their sadistic nature, letting their victim starve to death or rip it apart with their claws up close if necessary. Instinct: to manipulate
- Seduce someone by appearance
- Lure in with the song of the siren