Purple Nurple Solitary, Huge, Magical, Divine, Devious, Intelligent, Planar, Construct Titty Twist (d8+9 damage) 28 HP 4 armor Reach, Forceful, Ignores Armor, Far Special Qualities: Made by the God of Chaos But...what...why...bah! I hate that guy! Instinct: To Annoy
- Obnoxious Acts
- Annoyance
- Just Keep an Eye On It
- The Realm Of Chaos
Obese Dragon Solitary, Huge, Magical, Stealthy, Divine, Hoarder, Planar Acid Breath (d12+9 damage 2 piercing) 30 HP 4 armor Reach, Forceful, Ignores Armor, Near, Far Fat and obnoxious...the only way to describe this behemoth...don't agree to anything it asks, you'll regret ever setting foot in it's lair.. Instinct: To do nothing
- Just Plain Lazy
- Talks you into doing something for it
- Acidic Breath
- Knows What Lies Beyond Our Realm
Zombie Squirrel Horde, Tiny, Construct, Terrifying Infectious Bite (d6-2 damage 1 piercing) 11 HP 0 armor Hand Special Qualities: Glowing Red Eyes, Just Plain Creepy No one quite knows when they came. It's been too long to remember...well actually the people who could remember are all squirrel chow Instinct: Feast on the living
- Roam in Hordes
Ghetto Goblin Group, Small, Stealthy, Intelligent, Hoarder Knife (d8 damage) 10 HP 1 armor Close, Near "Aww Man...Not them again..." Instinct: To take
- Thief
- Con Artist
Trans-Dimensional Monkey Horde, Tiny, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder, Planar Scat Fling (d6-2 damage 1 piercing) 3 HP 1 armor Hand, Ignores Armor "Wha...What was that? Did you hear something? Is that.....RUN!!!!" Instinct: Protect it's territory
- Flngs...you know
- Well Connected
- Can walk the "In Between"