Most Recent Creation
Sleeping Tree Fiend Solitary, Huge, Stealthy Grasp with branches (d10+3 damage) 20 HP 1 armor Reach The most ancient of trees that have survived in the twisted madness of places of power can slowly grow into a sleepy consciencness. This creature drifts towards the sources of great power to feed. Many a poor villager on the edge of great forests have gone looking for wood and ended up awaking one of these slumbering gaints turning them to Awakened Tree Fiends who rampage until at last they return to peaceful sleep. Beware carrying magical artifacts through the woods for you do not know if a tree will reach out and drain the power from it. Instinct: Feed on places of power
- Grasp and drain passersby
- Looks like any other tree
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Minotaur Solitary, Large Axe (d10+1 damage) 16 HP 1 Armor Close, Reach Special Qualities: Unerring sense of direction “Head of a man, body of a bull. No, wait, I’ve got that backwards. It’s the bull’s head and the man’s body. Hooves sometimes? Is that right? I remember the old king said something about a maze? Blast! You know I can’t think under this kind of pressure. What was that? Oh gods, I think it’s coming…” Instinct: To contain
- Confuse them
- Make them lost