Coletor Solitary, Large, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Organized, Intelligent Dissonância Mental. (d8 damage) 5 HP 0 armor Ignores Armor, Near, Far Special Qualities: Mind-Controller O monstro é um grande parasita de corpo frágil, não tendo muitas formas de defesa ele usa sua mente para atacar outras criaturas, manipulando e fugindo quando quaisquer dificuldades aparecem. O corpo é esguio e possui patas dianteiras avantajadas para se prender em outras criaturas ou se rastejar no solo oceânico, nada com muita dificuldade. Instinct: Servir Wraken espalhando sua marca
- Marca humanos para servir Wraken
- Utiliza as cascas dos coletados para se comunicar
- Retira o livre-arbítrio de outros, fazendo com que sirvam a Wraken
- Manipulação
- Mover as cascas
Skeleton Chimera Solitary, Large, Magical, Construct Burst of purple flames (d10+4 damage) 24 HP 3 armor Forceful, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Created by powerful necromancers What would happen if a insane wizard and a powerful necromancer had a experiment together? The skeleton chimera is a close answer. With the best of both magical powers by not needing any kind of resources besides the necromantic energy the Skeletal Chimera is born. Not only is capable of the dreadful ways of perverting nature like the Chimera, the Skeletal Chimera perverts the way of the life itself. If the chimera was the worst sort of abomination affronting all natural life the skeletal chimera is an intentional way to affront all natural laws. Instinct: To do as commanded even after death
- To ensure obedience
- Arise dreadful allies