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Guard Solitary, Cautious, Construct, Amorphous Shield (d6 damage) 15 HP 7 armor Close Special Qualities: It was made by a wizard many years ago, to make sure nobody gets in to the caves. A humanoid figure made of stone. If it is defeated, it will bring down a large gate blocking the entrance to the cave. It is weak to blunt weapons. Instinct: Defend
- Make sure nobody gets in to the caves
Most Recent Up-vote
Dreamweaver Spider Solitary, Small, Stealthy, Magical, Devious, Hoarder Mandibles (d6 damage) 12 HP 1 armor Close Psuedosilk Arachanis, more commonly know as Dreamweaver or Treasurer Trap Spiders, are roughly the size of a large dog. Their pattern and coloring make their abdomen appear like an exposed brain and each of it's eight eyes has a different brightly colored pattern, though most often they won't be seen at all, hiding behind the illusions they spin with their unique silk they use it to lure in prey. A common tactic is to spin illusory floors over open pits but these little monsters can be quite creative and industrious in their use of deceptions. Some accounts report large nests of these monstrosities working together to creating entire illusionary castles or mazes out of webs, attacking only when the foolhardy or unobservant are in too deep. Instinct: to ensnare with deception
- Spin webs that create illusions
- Make danger look like oppourtunity
- Strike quickly and retreat