Twisted Abominations Group, Magical, Stealthy, Planar, Terrifying, Amorphous Spines and claws (d8 damage 1 piercing) 13 HP 5 armor Close Special Qualities: Otherworldly flesh, Instinct: To cause terror
- Cause warping mutations
- Move sideways through reality
Desjadin Solitary, Large, Magical, Divine, Intelligent, Planar, Terrifying, Amorphous Chaotic Energies (d12+2 damage 2 piercing) 25 HP 5 armor Reach, Ignores Armor, Far Special Qualities: Be terrible to behold The Desjadin is an elemental manifestation of chaos and pure evil. It desires nothing more than a doorway into this world so that it can tear reality asunder. Thus far it has been unable to find a mortal being insane enough to help it, that all changed when it discovered the tainted summoner Sevekor. Instinct: To tear down the fundament of reality
- Sunder reality
- Channel warped energy
- Change to universe to suit its whim
Djanni Acolyte Group, Intelligent Flail (b[2d8+2] damage) 6 HP 1 armor Close, Forceful, Reach The Obsidian order has been infiltrated by a group of madmen that wish to use the power of the Black Pyramid to summon a race of transplanar demons to lay waste to the world. These insane individuals wield chains and flails with zeal and skill that few can match/ Instinct: To destroy enemies madly
- Whirl into combat
Obsidian Initiate Solitary, Divine, Magical, Intelligent, Hoarder Activating a defensive rune (d10+2 damage) 12 HP 0 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Far These higher-level members of the cult are still unaware of the greater machinations of the cult leaders but they have been initiated into the lower mysteries Instinct: Punish outsiders
- Utilize the power of the pyramid
- Summon power from the shadows
Obsidian Cultist Horde, Divine, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder Obsidian cleavers (d6+4 damage) 3 HP 0 armor Close These rank-and-file cultists of the dark gods are mere pawns in the schemes of their leaders. Instinct: To follow their leader
- Surround and attack
- Run for help
Snap Dragons Group, Small Shock Tails (d8 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 1 armor Close, Reach, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: An electric shock The Snap Dragon is a a small airborne predator that hunts the shifting dune sea outside Al-Shadizzar. It normally hunts small lizards and the like but if pushed it will attack even armored adventurers with its claws and a powerful electric shock. Instinct: To drive prey to their death
- Swoop in and shock
Obsidian Construct Group, Magical, Intelligent, Construct, Amorphous Claws of Volcanic Glass (b[2d8+2] damage) 13 HP 2 armor Close Special Qualities: Guardians of the ancient tombs Within the walls of the Black Pyramid, there are ancient sentinels of such devious cunning that few have ever seen them and lived to tell the tale. Those that have simply ramble about looming, jagged shadows and blood...so much blood. Instinct: To prevent outsiders from learning the secrets of the Black Pyramid
- Shatter into smaller forms
- Activate nearby magical wards
- Cut to the bone
Night Market Thug Group, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder Daggers (d6 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 1 armor Close, Near The Night Markets are home to all manner of unsavory characters, most of which would just as soon kill you as look at you, but all of them would prefer to rob you. Instinct: To find an easy mark
- Turn the odds to its favor
- Strike treacherously
- Pickpocket an item