Delver Solitary, Large, Cautious, Amorphous Corrode with slime; swat with claws (d10 damage) 19 HP 5 armor Special Qualities: Darkvision; mucus secretion An enormous, subterranean aberration resembling a rocky slug. The delver's entire underside is its mouth. It has two, huge clawed flippers which it uses to tunnel honeycomb lairs through stone. Its rocky hide secretes corrosive fluid to help with burrowing. Instinct: To tunnel enormous caverns through the earth
- Emit corrosive slime
Avoral Solitary, Tiny, Magical, Intelligent, Planar Rend with talons (d10-2 damage) 12 HP 0 armor Hand, Near Special Qualities: Large wings A large celestial eagle with enormous wings and talons. Avorals are dedicated to good and often leave their home plane to explore and slay evil where they find it. Instinct: To indulge in wanderlust
- Hunt down evil
- Conjure wind; heal with word
- Celestial insight
Arrowhawk Solitary Electric bolt (b[2d10] damage 1 piercing) 12 HP 1 armor Close, Near, Far Special Qualities: Four wings; four eyes Large avian creatures attuned to the elements of air. They have four wings, four eyes, and blue scales denoting their attunement with lightning, which they use to kill and hunt large prey. Arrowhawks can fly incredibly fast, ambushing the unwary. They are territorial and always hungry. Instinct: Defend its nest and hunt large prey
- Levitate and fly at supersonic speeds
Fabeht (Giant Centepede) Group Gnashing Maw (d10+2 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 4 armor Close The Fabeht, it's like a centipede, you know those little things that squirm away when you turn over a rock? Yeah that, but six feet long. Stories of its gnashing mandibles are told by every traveler down the dark mountain passes. But it's ok, it's not like it's in my house... right? Instinct: To devour Instinct: To Feed
- Scuttle: Squirm and wriggle out of percived danger.
Stygian Harpy Solitary, Magical, Intelligent, Hoarder, Terrifying Wicked Tallons (d10+2 damage) 12 HP 1 armor Close Special Qualities: Flight, The warty head of the Stygian Harpy resembles that of a deformed vulture. Its twisted, malformed body bares the scars of decades worth of hunts.. This hideous creature appears to be a hybrid of humanoid and vulture, its wingspan stretching twenty feet. Its hands and feet are both capped with gnarled claws which it uses to slash and tear at its prey. Though the Harpy is significantly intelligent, it is not know to talk in any commonly understood languages though it my mimic sounds, such as screams, to lure in prey. In combat, a stygian harpy usually opens with its song, which distracts and debilitates them with its melancholy tones. The crueler members of this species delight in targeting the weak and defenseless, flying over the front rank to snatch a mage or healer in its claws and carry them off. (based on a monster by thecreaturecodex on tumblr) Instinct: To Hunt
- Bait and Switch: The Stygian Harpy steals and object of value and uses it to lure its prey to a preferred location.
- Mesmerising Song: From its ugly beak, the Stygian Harpy sings a mellody of heartstopping beauty. This song will entrance any creatures of doglike intelligence or greater, rendering them unable to move or think clearly.
Sylph Solitary, Tiny, Stealthy, Magical, Intelligent Blast with wind (w[2d10-2] damage) 12 HP 0 armor Hand, Reach, Near, Far Special Qualities: Dragonfly wings A tiny fey creature with dragonfly wings, sylphs are often beautiful, carefree, and incredibly curious. They wield innate air magic that helps them fly at great speed, evade danger, and blast their enemies. They rarely settle down, but chase their curiosities about the known world. As such, sylphs bond easily with adventurers and intelluctuals. Instinct: To pursue adventure
- Charm with earnestness
- Turn invisible
- Conjur elementals; provoke thunderstorms when angry
Yule Father Solitary, Large, Magical, Divine, Intelligent, Hoarder, Planar Yule Staff (w[2d12+2] damage) 18 HP 4 armor Reach, Near A large fey spirit that even in those of the Feywild know little about. At Yuletide, the Yule Father is known to appear to grant gifts to the worthy or hex evil creatures and punish them. He resembles an enormous giant man with green wools, a staff of hollybranch, and a crown of mistletoe. His large white beard is nearly as big as he is. Instinct: To reward the worthy and punish the deserving
- Give out presents or punishments
- Summon presents; hex as punishment
- Fey insight
Winterling Group, Tiny, Magical, Intelligent Blast with cold (d8-2 damage) 6 HP 0 armor Hand, Ignores Armor, Near Perhaps it is the cold that has turned a pixie's mischief into winterling's danger. Blue-skinned and malicious, winterlings prank and torment travellers in cold regions with their cold magic. When questioned, some winterlings say they simply want to defend their isolated homes from the other races and the encroachment of civilisation. Instinct: To play a deadly prank
- Harness winter magic
- Extinguish fire; provoke avalanche
Grig Group, Tiny, Magical, Devious, Organized, Intelligent Dart; needle blade (w[2d4-2] damage) 6 HP 0 armor Hand, Near Special Qualities: Cricket legs; fey wings A type of sprite with cricket legs, grigs are peaceful and laidback fey who enjoy nothing more than a fiddle and some sap. Living together in orchestras within the ground or hollow trees, grigs enjoy pranking 'big people' with mischief and magical music. Instinct: To prank the big people
- Play the fiddle
- Play a magical tune
- Compel to dance
- Wake the orchestra
Sea Sprite Group, Tiny, Magical, Organized, Intelligent Fey Crossbow (d8-2 damage) 6 HP 1 armor Hand, Near, Far Special Qualities: Gills Marine sprites with gills instead of wings, Sea Sprites build their homes in coral reefs, the sea floor, and amoeba. Despite being tiny, they are armed with fey crossbows that shoot underwater and can vanish easily amongst the tides. Instinct: To protect their marine homes
- Shoot their bow
- Turn invisible
- Wake the reef