Subway Mole Group, Small, Terrifying claws (b[2d8+2] damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 1 armor Close, Near Special Qualities: Leathery and naked with vestigial pink eyes and hideous protruding teeth. A thigh high mole with useless pink eyes and hideous protruding teeth. Instinct: Eat big bugs. Blindly attack anything that sounds like it might be a bug.
- Burrows around abandoned light rail stations.
Leviathan Salamander Solitary, Huge Bite (w[2d10+3] damage) 20 HP 4 armor Reach, Ignores Armor, Near Special Qualities: Can self-sever its tail, squeeze into tight places. A gargantuan frilled salamander, a muddy red color with glowing neon red eyes. Instinct: Protect it's home, and provide ideal conditions for the growth of its food source.
- Leaves a trail of slime that bioluminesces and superheat on command
- Incapacitate and remove any troublemakers
Sleeping Tree Fiend Solitary, Huge, Stealthy Grasp with branches (d10+3 damage) 20 HP 1 armor Reach The most ancient of trees that have survived in the twisted madness of places of power can slowly grow into a sleepy consciencness. This creature drifts towards the sources of great power to feed. Many a poor villager on the edge of great forests have gone looking for wood and ended up awaking one of these slumbering gaints turning them to Awakened Tree Fiends who rampage until at last they return to peaceful sleep. Beware carrying magical artifacts through the woods for you do not know if a tree will reach out and drain the power from it. Instinct: Feed on places of power
- Grasp and drain passersby
- Looks like any other tree
Awakened Tree Fiend Solitary, Huge, Terrifying Branch/Root Stomp (d10+5 damage 3 piercing) 24 HP 1 armor Reach, Forceful, Messy Special Qualities: Scream in anger While most tree feinds shuffle to places of power while dreaming, if one is roused from its slumber the hatred for the world it now faces reverberates through the very air. Only once it has ventred its rage will it fall back into its endless slumber. Instinct: To destory
- Rampage through the enviroment
Kobold Ritualist Horde, Small, Stealthy, Intelligent, Organized, Magical Cone of dragon breath (d6 damage) 3 HP 1 armor Close, Near, Reach Special Qualities: Dragon Connection These ritualistic kobolds live to serve their dragonic masters, doing all in their power to further it's aims. A kobold that serves their master faithfully will be first awarded the magics and that pool will grow with their faithful service and the masters own power. Master: Black, Copper (Acid), Silver, White (Cold), Brass, Bronze, Gold, Red (Fire), Amethyst (Force), Blue (Lightning), Green (Poison), Emerald (Psychic), Crystal (Radiant), Sapphire (Thunder), Topaz (Necrotic), Instinct: Serve dragons
- Lay a trap
- Call on dragons or draconic allies
- Awaken the enviroment
Lesser Scions of the Great Old Ones Group, Devious, Intelligent, Terrifying Mouth Tentacles (d4+2 damage) 6 HP 0 armor Close Special Qualities: Telepathy , Horrid tentacles burst forth from what bloody remains are left of the humanoid's original jaw The cult of the Great Old Ones can infect even the most pious of communities. These lesser Scions are the first signs of such an infiltration. Often covering their gory visage with a hood of some kind, these minor abomination walk the streets revered and hated in equal measure by the god fearing members of the community. Instinct: To feed on the non-believers
- Psychically stun all who can hear it's horrid screech!
Zaralll the Flayed Solitary, Divine, Intelligent, Planar Soul Glaive (b[2d10+9] damage) 19 HP 1 armor Close, Reach, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Regeneration, Herald of the Black Gate With the head of a hound and the arm of a horrid troll but the body of a normal man their are few that remember the origin of Zaralll the Flayed. All who encounter the bare bleeding meat of his flayed form fear what comes next. His ghostly Glaive glowing from within the shadow of the Black Gate. Instinct: To serve the Black Gate
- Open the Black Gate
- Reverse healing with a touch.
- Flay a creature struck by his glaive
Spettral pirat Group, Stealthy, Intelligent, Hoarder, Terrifying pirat's pistol (d8 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 1 armor Close, Near Special Qualities: Spectral undead The spectral pirates are the crew of the ghost ship that can be seen every now and then on the horizon. They are not truly alive, but they are certly not dead. Instinct: honor
- be terrible
- attack after a diversion
TABAN THE FIGHTER, (Borçlu adam) Solitary, Cautious Spiked gauntlet (d10+4 damage) 12 HP 4 armor Close, Forceful SPECIAL MOVE: -> Kendini savunmak, her tur bir hasarı yarım alabilir -> Göz dağı! Birisinin saldırısını savunmaz (No armor, take full damage) Rakip otomatik olarak hackslash -1 ongoing) -> Son çare, aşırı yaralı olduğunda vahşi bir saldırıda bulunur. 2 kişiye aynı anda saldırır Instinct: TO FIGHT
- Kendini savunmak, her tur bir hasarı yarım alabilir