Iron Delta Hoplite Snail Solitary, Large, Stealthy, Devious, Cautious
Toxic Harpoon (d8 damage) 16 HP 1 armor
Reach, Near
Special Qualities: Multiple toxic harpoons, Impenetrable shell

The Hoplite Snail is a giant carnivorous mollusk, about the size of a large horse. While slow moving, it has developed a horrifying method of hunting prey. When some unlucky creature passes by, the Hoplite Snail fires a poison filled harpoon (believed to be a modified radular tooth) into the prey. Once the target is paralyzed, the snail draws it in close, engulfing its victim in a mouth that bears more resemblance to an distended elephant's trunk than anything else. The snail may have up to five mouths, and can fire volleys of harpoons out of each one, in any direction. While the snail's flesh is leathery and tough, and it can quickly bury itself in loose soil or mud, the Hoplite Snail's real protection is its shell, which cannot be broken save through magic or alchemy. Instinct: To hunt from ambush

  • Fire a toxic harpoon into prey
  • Burrow into the mud
  • Engulf paralyzed victim
  • Hide within impenetrable shell
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

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