Hideous Abasha Solitary, Large, Intelligent, Cautious
Nails of iron (d10+3 damage) 16 HP 2 armor
Forceful, Reach, Near, Far

Abasha's lifelong ambition is to be higher than all she can see. With nails of iron, she climbs the ruin spider- like, and spends long days at the top leering through the drizzle. She throws stones accurately twice the length of the island, and from the tower can spy all but the lower stair and east overhang.

She will welcome noisy boaters with determination. She craves tribute from terrified subjects, and the taste of brain lapped from a freshly cracked skull.

Instinct: To reach new heights

  • Hurl a stone
  • Make a gruesome threat
  • Scurry like a spider
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: Brian V.