Jala Krung, Lunar Cult Spymaster Solitary, Stealthy, Divine, Magical, Intelligent, Hoarder
Silvery blades (b[2d10+2] damage 4 piercing) 14 HP 1 armor
Special Qualities: Many masks, Weak to silver

A living legend amongst the Lunar Cult, Jala Krung is said to be a werefox but who would truly know? Other rumours abound that she heavily uses illusions to conceal her presence, and uses traps and tricks to an infuriating degree. All this is a smokescreen however for her greatest trick: Her masks, nine in total, each of which create a nearly completely perfect clone of her that only reveals itself to be the case when it dies and it disappears in a puff of greasy smoke. All of this misdirection inevitably leads to a knife in your back or across your throat, of course. Not to mention her networks of contacts that means she knows exactly where to strike to hurt you the most... Instinct: To discover

  • Turn out to have been a mask-clone!
  • Vanish into nothing or appear from nowhere
  • Deploy an insufferable amount of illusion magic
  • Reveal an unwanted trap
  • Use poisons to ruin your foes
  • Get several steps ahead of your opposition
  • Reveal... a form, but is it the true one?
  • Blow Praypition, the East Wind
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: Infinite Oregano