Yule Cursedweller Solitary, Large, Magical, Intelligent, Construct, Terrifying
Claws and spines (d10+2 damage 2 piercing) 24 HP 2 armor
Close, Reach, Near
Special Qualities: Regenerates (Except from Fire), Body of Wood, Nauseating Pollen

A curse is a curse is a curse is a curse. But when wrapped up on all the ceremony and magic of Yule... it takes upon itself an even greater presence. Particular sources of imagery within such a magical time can become foci for curses if left unchecked. Should this layer itself upon itself densely enough, it is said that even a tree (when built in the worst of circumstances) can become malignly intelligent... and dangerous. Now it just seeks to curse the world and corrupt all that it touches... Instinct: To corrupt and undermine

  • Infect a victim with Christmas Tree Syndrome
  • Manifest and control the curse and corruption in creative ways
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: Infinite Oregano