Atronach Horde, Divine, Magical, Construct, Terrifying, Amorphous
Concussive blast (d6+2 damage) 10 HP 4 armor
Close, Near
Special Qualities: Made of strange stone, Abstract shape

The form and structure of a magical construct is intricate and precise. Each component inscribed with delicate runes and channels through which magic will flow and turn lifeless metal into living flesh. The mage desires to improve this structure - the runes more precise, the enchantments more complex, the channels more efficient. When the Patron of Perfection herself brings life to stone - beautifully ugly, infinitely complex, perfectly simple and disturbingly inhuman - she forms the Atronachs. Instinct: To serve Niserie

  • Incapacitate them with sound
  • Shatter something

Created by: Juliet M

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