Godless Inquisitor Group, Intelligent, Cautious
Two-Handed Warhammer (b[2d8+4] damage) 6 HP 4 armor
Close, Forceful, Reach, Ignores Armor, Near

An ex-paladin, the Godless Inquisitor left the paladin order after being repeatedly shown that without his god he was useless and weak. He renounced his god and set out to prove that he, himself, had the power to shape the world. His training brought him great strength and admiration from many others who also felt powerless and defenseless without their tightly held beliefs in a higher power. Many joined him and they began an organization known as The Godless. Their only mission is to travel the world destroying all who pledge loyalty and love to any deity. The Inquisitor believes that once all god-worshipping creatures are vanquished the gods themselves will lose all power leaving only the inhabitants of this world to control their own destinies. Instinct: Hate all gods and magic

  • Kill all who will not denounce their deity
  • Destroy temples and places of worship
  • Refuse healing spells
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: CuznJay