Flesh Dragon-Golem Solitary, Large, Construct, Terrifying
Bite, Necrotic Breath, Claws (d10+2 damage) 20 HP 0 armor
Ignores Armor
Special Qualities: It was constructed to house a dracolich, It's an abomination of humanoid flesh wrapped around dragon bone

The Flesh Dragon-Golem is an abomination. A mess of twisted flesh wrapped around the skeleton of young dragon. Large claws and sharp teeth protrude from it's vaguely draconic form, and a strong smell of death emanates from its breath. The Flesh Dragon-Golem is so unnatural that normal binding does not keep it together, it is instead bound by a number of runes located around it's lair. Any fresh blood is absorbed by these runes and fed back to the creature, restoring it. These runes however are also it's greatest weakness, without the magic of the runes it's form cannot be contained and will cause it to fall apart. Instinct: To Destroy Intruders and absorb their flesh

  • Lie in wait, consuming all who it encounters

Created by: kev20006