Locusti Swarm Speaker Solitary
swarm attack (d8+2 damage) 6 HP 2 armor
Close, Reach, Ignores Armor, Far
Special Qualities: Never suprised, Frightening Insect Man

The Swarm Speakers, or "priests" as the fleshy ones call them, control and command the minions of the Queen Mother with pheromones and the clicking of their mandibles. Although blind they receive constant whispers from the cloud of insects that surround them and can send them lashing out stinging and biting. The only members of their race that might be considered "sentient" it is the twelve Swarm Speakers with their petty squabbles and strange machinations that command the Locusti Cult, fooling the outside world into thinking their powers divine when they are simple biology. Even so, when working in concert the Swarm Speakers can summon pests in the billions to ravage the lands of those that fail to pay them tribute. Instinct: to intimidate and extort

  • Command Vermin
  • Eavesdrop with Insects
  • Leap to safety
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: Lochmonster