Mordigar, the Great Red Solitary, Huge, Intelligent, Hoarder, Terrifying, Cautious, Magical
Rending Claws (b[2d12+5] damage 2 piercing) 20 HP 4 armor
Reach, Forceful, Near, Far
Special Qualities: Thick scales

You don't see many dragons around these days. What's worse, those that are still around are all mature and horrifying, capable of raising cities on their lonesome. Among these dragons stands out the legend of Mordigar. The Great Red who toppled a kingdom in a day. They say he swooped down from above, intrigued by the great walls they built to keep foes out, and that in the end kept them all contained. With two passes, the capitol was in ruins. Once more and the castle too had been crushed. Once the royalty had made their way out to parley, Mordigars apetite had grown. He swallowed all but the king in a single gulp, and then leaned in close. "This land is mine, and you shall help me rule it." With no choice but to obey, the former king returned to his palace, and has since lived a life of servitude to the new lord of the land. Instinct: To rule

  • Bring forth fiery destruction
  • Conquer with ease
  • Return a slight on his name
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: TheMunkis