Ice Sculpture Solitary, Stealthy, Construct
freezing screech (d10 damage) 12 HP 4 armor
Close, Ignores Armor
Special Qualities: resists the cold, despises the fire

In the frozen north, mad mages and artists have been known to construct vampiric statues of solid ice from terrifying nature spirits. These "creatures" are then delivered under the guise of being normal decorations, often with monikers such as "nevermelt ice sculptures" and the like. The price is too good to be true, in this case--the ice sculptures lie in wait, freeze the blood of their victims' bodies, and then magically drain it to prolong their existence. Some say that it drinks punch as well. Instinct: Instinct: to bloody the waters

  • drink the blood of the frozen
  • indistinguishable from a nonmagical sculpture of ice

Created by: Jolene