Kobold Pirate Horde, Small, Stealthy, Organized, Intelligent
Primitive Pistol (d6 damage 1 piercing) 3 HP 1 armor
Close, Near
Special Qualities: Dragon-Bonded

Finally got to live as dragons, they did with fire in their bellies and great soaring wings. Wings of canvas, grant you and fire barely contained in a primitive engine within the bowels of their giant scrap-metal ship, but they did it. Their ships, with names like Plunderer and Dragonsrath scour the coasts of far-off lands, looking for what booty they can find and burning the marks of their masters into all the rest. You wouldn't think many would sign up for life at sea, eating rats and freezing to death in winter storms. But in their cavern temples, it is said that any kobold that dies at sea in the bowels of their ship will be immediately reborn as a dragon in majesty and power. ...I wonder Instinct: To die a good death upon the seas

  • Go out in a blaze of glory
  • Sabotage an enemy ship.
  • Call more, always more.

Created by: John Jessop