Icedeer Group, Magical, Devious
Bladed foot (w[2d4] damage) 6 HP 0 armor

Icedeer look like deer you might see anywhere with one exception. They have blades instead of hooves. They skate on the perfectly smooth surfaces of frozen lakes and rivers. Icedeer, though gentle and skittish, are potentially dangerous because they are magical by nature. If they lock eyes with you, expect to be frozen in place until they look away. They are constantly turning ice into water and back into ice again. It's easy to fall through the ice or get caught in the re-freeze. Before you attempt to cast spells on them, keep in mind that magic is often repelled in their presence. Instinct: To maintain a serene environment

  • Lock eyes with someone and freeze them in place
  • Turn water to ice or ice to water
  • Push magic back on itself

Created by: Logan B. Howard