Rancor Solitary, Huge, Terrifying
Claws and Teeth (d10+7 damage 3 piercing) 24 HP 2 armor
Reach, Forceful
Special Qualities: terrifying roar

Rancors were large carnivorous reptomammals native to the planet of Dathomir. They were usually born brown, but in special circumstances, such as the mutant rancor, jungle rancor, and the bull rancor, their color may have differed. Rancors walked on two relatively stubby legs, with longer forelimbs utilized for catching prey, though they also walked on all fours at times and had a short tail. A rancor's flat face was dominated by a large mouth full of razor sharp teeth. Although it had sharp teeth, it would often swallow smaller prey (such as humanoids) whole. The skin of a rancor was tough enough to deflect blaster bolts, making it an efficient killing machine—and an excellent source of leather for expensive vests and boots. At least on Dathomir, rancors had good night-vision, but their eyesight was not as sharp as a Human's in daylight. Perhaps the most famous such rancor was the one owned by Jabba Desilijic Tiure, who kept it in a pit beneath his palace courts, dropping in victims who displeased him in some way in order to feed it. His rancor was cared for by Malakili, a famous beast tamer who had traveled with the Circus Horrificus. Malakili formed an unlikely bond with the animal, even going so far as to sneak the rancor out of Jabba's palace for a run in the desert, and wept when the beast was killed by Luke Skywalker. Instinct: to devour

  • Swallow whole

Created by: Rob

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