Tsucora Quori Solitary, Magical, Intelligent, Planar, Terrifying
Pincers (d12 damage) 12 HP 2 armor
Special Qualities: Made from nightmares

Little is known about the quori, beings of Dal Quor, Region of Dreams. What is known, however, is coveted by the Inspired of Riedra or the humans and kalashtar of Adar. However, various scholars from across the ages have pieced together this: the tsucora is the most common type of quori,and their hosts are often the soldiers of Riedra. Their mental manipulation is masterful, but can only be done while the target is asleep and their consciousness projected to Dal Quor. Instinct: To manipulate through dreams

  • Invade a human host
  • Manipulate thoughts
  • Reveal secrets only known in dreams

Created by: Inferno