Mermatron Solitary, Large, Magical, Devious, Intelligent, Terrifying Claws (d8+2 damage 1 piercing) 20 HP 2 armor Forceful, Reach Special Qualities: amphibious Mermatron, bah! A cute name, so that sailors won't be afraid of what lurks in the dark depths. It's she that makes the fishmen, she that leads them them, cares for them, protects them. She's big as a tuna, smart as dolphin, & uglier than a cheap dockside harlot. Mermatron, more like hag-fish... Instinct: to grow its brood
- Defend its children
- Turn the tides (literally) against them
- Infect them with a bite
- Lavish them with twisted affection
Fishman Flunky Horde, Organized, Terrifying Bite (d6 damage) 3 HP 2 armor Close Special Qualities: amphibious It's not the blood-flecked lips or rotten-seaweed stench that makes them so horrible. It's the unblinking eyes, dozens of them, staring up at you from the dark waters. And the knowing, that all you are could be lost behind those lifeless eyes, black eyes, like doll's eyes. Instinct: to school together
- Seek the shelter of the water
- Go into a feeding frenzy
- Show it was once a man
Charlatan Priest Solitary, Stealthy, Divine, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder Symbol of Office (w[2d6+2] damage) 12 HP 0 armor Close The finest temples are behemoths fashioned from marble, gold, & ivory. The better to show the majesty of the gods to the common folk, the priest says. He, too, is a behemoth: grown fat on rich food & swathed in silk, gold, & rubies. I bear the blessings of the gods, the priest says. One can scarcely hear him over the jingling of the offering plates. Instinct: to skin the sheep
- Malappropriate divine teachings
- Offer a double-edged blessing
- Surround itself with zealots
Orc Mechaniac Solitary, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder Big Spanner (d8 damage) 12 HP 3 armor Close All orcs live to tear civilization, kicking & screaming, down into the mud, & this one is no exception. What makes the mechaniac different is that they think its damn funny to use civilization's own tools to do the tearing down. They beat technical information out of any engineers & tinkerers they can find. Armed with just enough knowledge to be dangerous (as well as scrap metal armor & an enormous wrench), a mechaniac wreaks havoc on siege engines & dungeon traps alike. Instinct: to sabotage
- turn a machine to its purposes
- make something go haywire
- unleash a barely-understood device