The Sea Worm Solitary, Large, Hoarder
Blood-sucking tongues (d12+2 damage) 20 HP 2 armor
Forceful, Ignores Armor, Far
Special Qualities: Websense: The Sea Worm can hear movement anywhere in it's lair, and unfailingly determine the location of the sound.

The Sea Worm dwells in a cave on a desolate sea cliff. It spins webs that harden into a thick, gray stone, and uses these to construct it's lair. Any creature smaller than the Sea Worm that finds itself lost in the maze-like cave will soon find itself being hunted. Whether or not similar creatures exist in the depths of the sea is unknown. Instinct: To expand it's lair.

  • Spine webs of bone-white stone.

Created by: ZealotVedas