Vampiric Cazador Horde, Tiny, Stealthy, Construct
Proboscis-Spear (d6-2 damage 1 piercing) 7 HP 0 armor
Hand, Ignores Armor
Special Qualities: Wings of a giant mosquito, Blood tracker

Vampires don't always want to hunt for their food, as they grow older they grow lazier. So they made these creatures from the insects they found, twisting them with their foul blood magic and turning them into undead creatures bolstered by their terrible essence. Now they hunt out creatures, swarming about the living and draining them dry, leaving dessicated corpses before returning with their ill-gotten gains to their masters. Instinct: To Serve

  • Drain blood for storage
  • Hide in the dark and high places

Created by: Infinite Oregano